In this page you will find all presentations of the 13th International Scientific Wadden Sea Symposium 'An integrated approach to emerging challenges in a World Heritage Site'. The presentations are available in PDF-format and video.
Wednesday 21 November 2012
Prof. Jouke van Dijk, chairman Waddenacademie
Welcome and outline programme
Annemie Burger, representative of the Ministry of Economic Affairs
Official welcome
Prof. Victor de Jonge, University of Hull
Welcome on behalf of ECSA
Peter Ilsøe, chairman Wadden Sea Board
Current status trilateral cooperation; importance of the ISWSS meetings
Jens Enemark, CWSS
Wadden Sea World Heritage: the role of science
Prof. Karsten Reise, AWI Wadden Sea Station Sylt
Keynote: Turning tides: a natural history of the Wadden Sea
Prof. Chul-hwan Koh, Seoul National University
Keynote: The Getbol: the Korean Wadden Sea – status, development pressures and conservation efforts
Dr. Fergus Molloy, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
Keynote: Integrating science with management of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park/World heritage Property
Theme 1 Climate and Water
Warm-up for theme Climate and Water
Prof. Hans von Storch, Institute for Coastal Research of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Recent policy relevant progress in scientific knowledge about regional climate risks and regional climate service
Prof. Pier Vellinga, National research program Knowledge for Climate & Wageningen University
Adaptation to climate change in the Wadden Sea. The Dutch approach
Modeling the turbulent Wadden Sea; what's needed most? by Prof. Hans Burchard, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde
Regional sea level rise and the Wadden Sea by Dr. Mark van Koningsveld, Delft University of Technology
General discussion theme Climate and Water with the audience
Thursday 22 November
Theme 2 Biodiversity
Warm-up for theme biodiversity
Prof. Helmut Hillebrand, Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, Oldenburg-Wilhelmshaven
Linking biodiversity change to ecosystem functions – from general concepts to applied issues
Dr. Harald Asmus, AWI Wadden Sea Station Sylt
Under what sort of conditions are food webs stable or can they be stabilized? A foresight for the Wadden Sea
Prof. Han Olff, University of Groningen
Restoring ecosystem engineering species in the intertidal – the case of mussel beds in the Netherlands
Marc van Roomen, SOVON, and Tim Dodman, Wetlands International
Wadden Sea Flyway Initiative by
General discussion theme biodiversity with the audience
Theme 3 Science for Management and Policy
Warm-up for theme 3
Dr. Esther Turnhout, Wageningen University
The science policy interface: challenges and opportunities for international Wadden Sea research and governance
Dr. Rob Steijn, Arcadis
Wadden Sea governance; Lessons from OURCOAST
EBDa.D. Heinz Glindemann, chairman advisory board TIDE
Long term challenges for tidal estuaries
Dr. Katja Philippart, NIOZ
Sensing marine life and livelihoods at the seashore -Towards an integrated monitoring network and data portal for the Wadden Sea, a coastal UNESCO World Heritage site
Dr. Aad Smaal, IMARES
Mussel beds in the Dutch Wadden Sea: natural dynamics, fishery impacts and restoration options
General discussion theme Science for Management and Policy with the audience
Friday 23 November
Theme 4 Sustainability and Ecosystem Services
Warm-up for theme 4
Dr. Ralf Döring, VTI Hamburg
Fisheries management in the Wadden Sea from an economic perspective – Sustainable use of stocks and the preservation of ecosystem services
Prof. Gilles de Langen, University of Groningen/Province of Fryslân
On the value and future of the Frisian historical landscape
Prof. Victor de Jonge, University of Hull
Harbour developments and its effects on ecological functioning and structures
Drs. Albert Postma, Stenden University
Towards sustainable tourism in the Wadden Sea Region
General discussion theme Sustainability and Ecosystem Services with the audience
Ir. Rindert Dankert PDF and Dr. Hessel Speelman PDF: announcement of the Wadden Academy awards for the best Wadden-related Bachelor’s thesis (College level) and Master’s thesis (University level) to Daniël Postma MSc (PDF)
Prof. Jouke van Dijk: concluding remarks