Workshop "modelling the Wadden Sea" 5 november 2010
On 5 November 2010 over fifty scientists from The Netherlands and some from abroad gathered at the Marine Museum in Den Helder to exchange knowledge on the modelling of processes in the Wadden Sea.
The workshop covered both ecological processes (algal growth, food webs, self-organisation patterns in populations of ecosystem engineers) and physical processes (sediment dynamics, flow patterns). During the workshop, organised by the Netherlands Centre for Coastal Research (NCK) and the Wadden Academy, the convergence between the different fields of science and the various research institutes was clearly visible.
See the programme of the day and a list of participants.
Word of welcome (pdf 42 kB) Piet Hoekstra & Peter Herman (NCK & WA)
Scenarios for the Wadden Sea on the basis of models (pdf 2,6 Mb) Rick Wortelboer (Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving)
Biological modelling of the Wadden Sea (pdf 2,4 Mb) Bert Brinkman & Piet Ruardij (IMARES/NIOZ )
Modelling carrying capacity (pdf 2,8 Mb) Tineke Troost (Deltares)
Modelling salt marshes (pdf 7,8 Mb) Tjeerd Bouma & Stijn Temmermann (NIOO-CEME)
Modelling bio-engineering and self-organization in intertidal communities (pdf 2,6 Mb) Johan van de Koppel & Tjisse van der Heide (NIOO-CEME)
Exploring unstructured models for hydrodynamics and SPM modelling of the Wadden Sea (pdf 4,5 Mb) Gerben de Boer & Thijs van Kessel (Deltares/BwN/TUDelft)
Nonlinear bottom pattern formation and multiple equilibrium states in tidal inlet systems (pdf 1,9 Mb) Huib de Swart & Henk Schuttelaars (IMAU/TUDelft)
Long-term modelling results: an update & summary (pdf 3,5 Mb) Zheng Bing Wang (Deltares)