Waddenacademie Prize
The Waddenacademie Prize (2500 Euro) is intended for students who have completed the best Wadden-related PhD thesis. In 2023 the prize was awarded ex aequo to dr. Max Grafnings, for his thesis Seed to meadow - developing intertidal seagrass restoration, dr. Eva Kok for her thesie: Why Knot? Exploration of variation in long-distance migration & dr. Stuart Pearson for his thesis: Sediment Pathways on Ebb-Tidal Deltas: New Tools and Techniques for Analysis.
By setting up the Waddenacademie Prize, the Waddenacademie wants to stimulate research in the Wadden Sea Region by young researchers.
Read more about nominating for the Waddenacademie Prize 2025.
Winning thesis
Go to the Overview of all wadden related PhD theses en Master theses or click the cover below to go the specific thesis.
History Waddenacademie Prize
History Waddenacademie Prize
In the period 2009-2013, the Waddenacademie Prize was awarded annually and was alternately for the best Wadden Related thesis and best Water-Related Master's Thesis. In 2009, the prize went to Isabel Smallegange for her thesis on shore crabs. In 2010, Bas van Leeuwen's Master thesis entitled "Modeling mussel bed influence on fine sediment dynamics on a Wadden Sea intertidal flat" won. The Waddenacademie Prize 2011 was won by Jan Post with his thesis on Blue Energy. In 2012, Daniel Postma won with his university Master's thesis about 'Saltmarsh architecture'. In 2013 the prize was not awarded. From 2014, the prize is not awarded yearly, but biannually for the best waddenrelated PhD thesis. In october 2015 the prize was awarded to Allert Bijleveld for the best thesis in the academic year 2013-2014 or 2014-2015. In 2017 Franke van der Molen won with his thesis 'Governing Knowledge'. In 2019 the prize was awarded to Vincent Vuik for his thesis ‘Building Safety with Nature. Salt Marshes for Flood Risk Reduction’.
Read more about nominating for the Waddenacademie Prize.
Jury Waddenacademie Prize
Prof.dr. Suzanne Hulscher (Professor in Water Engineering & Management, University of Twente) Chair of the Jury
dr. Frans Sijtsma (Associate Professor Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen)
Prof. dr. Tjisse van der Heide (senior resarcher at NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research and professo Coastal Ecology Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
Prof. dr. Karline Soetaert (head of department Ecosystem Studies at NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research)
Prof. dr. ir. Theo Spek (Professor of Landscape History, University of Groningen)
Prof. mr. Marleen van Rijswick (professor of European and Dutch Water Law and director of Utrecht Universty Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law)