Practical information
The 16th ISISA conference will take place June 10-14 2018 in Leeuwarden and on the Frisian Island Terschelling, the Netherlands.
See Programme for all time schedules and Venues for locations.
Traveling to Leeuwarden
More information about traveling to Leeuwarden and back from Terschelling (pdf 0,3 Mb).
Every Presentation room will be equipped with a computer already connected to a screen to project your presentation. All computers are equipped with a USB port as well as Acrobat Reader and Microsoft Power Point. Presentation time is 20 minutes presentation + 10 minutes open discussion. You can mail your presentation in advance to before June 1 or bring it on a USB stick.
Participants of the ISISA2018 Symposium can join in the project DNA Leeuwarden by sharing your ‘DNA’ and help building the story of Leeuwarden.You are kindly invited to bring something small from yourself, your country or your island to Leeuwarden.
On the day of arrival, June 10, during the Icebreaker reception you can fill the DNA tube that is in your Symposium bag. Volunteers of the DNALWD2018 project will be present at the registration desk during the reception to collect your tube and help you register your tube and your story on the website of DNALWD2018 (only in Dutch). All this creative DNA together forming one work of art that is exposed in the town hall of Leeuwarden. More information.