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Sea-level rise, subsidence and morphodynamics in the Dutch Wadden Sea; 2030, 2050, 2100

The Waddenacademie and Programma naar een Rijke Waddenzee asked prof.dr. Bert Vermeersen (NIOZ/TUD): Sea level rise; prof.dr. Peter Fokker (TNO): Subsidence; prof.dr. Zheng Bin Wang (TUD/Deltares): Sedimentation and dr. Ad van der Spek: (Deltares/UU): Synthesis for a state-of-the-art overview of the scientific knowledge regarding the expected sea level rise, subsidence and sedimentation of sand and silt in the Wadden Sea. The complete study is Open Access available as a Special Issue of the Netherlands Journal of Geosciences.

Deze publicatie is mede mogelijk is gemaakt door subsidie van het Waddenfonds