Morphodynamics of the Wadden Sea
Recent research and future challenges
On 17 May 2019 the Netherlands Centre for Coastal Research (NCK), the Waddenacademie and Rijkswaterstaat organized the first NCK-theme day about the morphology of the Wadden Sea: Morphodynamics of the Wadden Sea: recent research and future challenges.
The aim of this theme day was to share and deepen the knowledge of the hydrodynamics and morphodynamics of the Dutch Wadden Sea. Recent findings of applied and fundamental research were presented, with the aim developing recommendations on the way forward in research and management of the Dutch Wadden Sea.
The target audience for the NCK-meetings are scientists, specialists and advisors.
The programme contained three sessions with of a variety of short presentations and room for discussion:
- tidal inlets, ebb tidal deltas and the adjacent coastal zone;
- the inner basin including the interaction between channels and shoals and the impact of sea level rise, sediment budgets, mud transport and turbidity;
- tidal flats and salt marshes, like mud motor, transport and deposition processes in tidal channels and salt marshes and the influence of wind on tidal flats.
The day was organised by Piet Hoekstra (Waddenacademie), Julia Vroom/Claire van Oeveren (Deltares) and Ernst Lofvers (Rijkswaterstaat).
Short report and presentations
You can read a short report of this day and view all presentations combined with an abstract.
The objectives of the NCK-theme days are to increase the quality and continuity of coastal (and wadden Sea) research in the Netherlands. The NCK stimulates the cooperation between various research institutes and government organisations. This cooperation leads to the exchange of expertise, methods and theories between the specialists of the participating institute. NCK is open to researchers from abroad and participation of young researchers is encouraged. Among the active participants we often find people from a lot of different institutes and companies.
The need of a NCK-theme day for the Wadden Sea arised from a programme of Rijkswaterstaat to improve knowledge of the morphology of the Wadden Sea. The aim of this programme is to develop an actual and common insight in the morphological development. With this information Rijkswaterstaat and other (public) organisations will come to a more pro-active strategy to answer policy and management questions of the Wadden Sea region.
As a networkorganisation the Waddenacademie supports these goals and helps to organize this specific NCK theme day. The Waddenacademie aims to furnish the scientific foundations for a sustainable future of the Wadden Sea Region, a World Heritage Site. The organization identifies major gaps in the existing knowledge of the Wadden Sea Region and provides a framework for future research.